Home Breakfast Salmon, Havarti, Blue Cheese & Veggie Omelet

Salmon, Havarti, Blue Cheese & Veggie Omelet

by Ann

Salmon, Havarti, Blue Cheese & Spring Vegetable Omelet

I still had some salmon in my fridge from the other night when I made it for my daughter (I made extra just for times like this … salmon is such a fun fish to “play” with!) and a bit of Havarti and blue cheese, some cucumber, red onion, tomato, and dill … sounds like a fantastic omelet … It was.

You see, Wednesday night was yogilates night. It’s a tough workout. Usually after yoga on Wednesdays, we go out for wine. I never eat after that … I just roll into bed. So I tend to wake up on Thursday mornings just STARVING … time for an omelet.

Salmon, Havarti, Blue Cheese & Spring Vegetable Omelet

Salmon, Havarti, Blue Cheese & Spring Vegetable Omelet

Blue Cheese Dilled Salmon Spread:

  • 1 oz. light cream cheese
  • 1 tablespoon or so of blue cheese
  • A sprig of fresh dill, snipped
  • Garlic scapes, snipped … or a bit of fresh garlic, chopped
  • A bit of finely chopped onion … or green onion
  • A small fillet of salmon, grilled or smoked


  • 1 egg + 1 egg white
  • Dabs of the Blue Cheese Dilled Salmon Spread
  • Chopped red onion
  • Chopped tomato
  • Chopped cucumber
  • Snipped dill
  • Shredded Havarti cheese
  • Flakes of cooked or smoked salmon
  • Tomato slices and sprigs of dill for garnish and toasted french bread


  1. Mix up the Blue Cheese Dilled Salmon Spread by mixing all the ingredients together in a small bowl. This will make more than enough for an omelet, so use the rest for salmon cucumber toasts or serve it as a spread with crackers. It’s lovely that way.
  2. Prepare your chopped vegetables and shred the cheese.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk the egg, egg white, and 1 tablespoon of water till fluffy. (Use water to keep the eggs moist without sticking to the pan.) Season with salt and freshly ground pepper (and/or my favorite: Red Robin seasoning).
  4. Heat a skillet or omelet pan over medium heat and spray with cooking spray. Arrange your omelet toppings close by so you can work quickly once you start cooking.
  5. When the pan is hot, add the egg to the pan, swirling to coat the bottom of the pan, then quickly sprinkle with dabs of the salmon spread, the chopped vegetables, dill, salmon, and Havarti cheese. Reduce heat to medium low, cover and cook for a few minutes or until the cheese is melted and the egg is cooked. The omelet should be just lightly browned on the bottom.
  6. With a spatula, carefully fold over one side of the omelet onto the other, then slide it out of the pan onto a serving plate.

Salmon, Havarti, Blue Cheese & Spring Vegetable Omelet

This recipe was shared at Weekend Potluck, the Egg Blog Hop, Katherine Martinelli’s Salmon Link Party and Talent Show Tuesday.

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Michele April 6, 2012 - 11:52 am

Do I ;ove it? 3 guesses! Really truly I do! Once again, you’ve combined some of my very favorite things into one beautiful dish! Perfect for a bright Spring morning 🙂 Thanks Ann xoxo

Ann April 6, 2012 - 12:29 pm

Yay! I’m so glad 🙂

richardmcgary April 6, 2012 - 12:07 pm

Sounds like a wonderful combination.

Ann April 6, 2012 - 12:30 pm

Thanks Richard! It was 🙂

Bam's Kitchen April 6, 2012 - 11:11 pm

This is a gourmet omelet! Lots of interesting flavors and textures. Yum!

Ann April 7, 2012 - 9:04 am

Well thank you Bam! The flavors really did go well together … 🙂


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