Super Quick Power Oatmeal! I love a bowl of good oatmeal for breakfast, especially when it is quick and easy and healthy–and decadent. I was travelling last weekend and needing…
Adapted from A Mindfull Mom At work this year, they started a new Nutrition program. The first quarter we had to keep track of what we ate for a week.…
The other day I was peeling purple potatoes to make a fancy shmancy purple potato dish … as I was peeling, I was thinking how beautiful my fancy potatoes would be ……
When you’ve got only a few minutes to cook or you just want something quick and hot for breakfast, there’s nothing quite like a nice bowl of steamy oatmeal. This one…
Have you ever tried mushrooms with hash browns and cheese? It’s a combination that is pure heaven to me … in a previous job when we had our own cafe…
with toasted walnuts & maple syrup … adapted from Pumpkin ‘n Spice Once I tried that Peanut Butter Chocolate Baked Oatmeal, every baked oatmeal recipe that crossed my path had…
Adapted only just very slightly from Lauren Kelly, Nutritionist This baked oatmeal is like a giant oatmeal cookie laced with peanut butter and chocolate. What could be better, or more comforting,…
My friend had so many gooseberries on her gooseberry bush last summer that she froze an over-abundance of them and then convinced me that I just HAD to take some…
with Drunken Limoncello Berry Sauce I have been on a de-cluttering mission lately, so I cleaned out my freezer in my fridge yesterday. I discovered that I had several partially used containers of frozen…
I get food inspirations at the oddest moments. I was driving around town the other day when the idea of a grilled cheese egg in a hole popped into my…