Ages ago, when I was young and a bartender (at the time, being old enough to be a bartender felt “old”, LOL!), I loved to make cocktails for my friends. One of my favorites was the Mai Tai. I got the recipe from a Dole mini recipe booklet and I still have that little recipe booklet … complete with my parents’ address on the label. I stashed it in my “drink book”, the book where I was collecting recipes because someday I was going to have my own bar & grille. Yes, someday that was going to happen. My friends I dreamed up names for it. Dreamboat Annie’s … that’s what we were going to call it (if Heart wouldn’t be too upset with us for stealing their song name).
Well, that didn’t happen. While I still love cooking and making drinks and making people happy with food and drink, it is no longer my dream to own a bar & grille. I’ve worked in the food industry and I know what it’s like. It’s a hell of a lot of work, with a lot of dedication, to build a restaurant following that you would need to make a restaurant successful. If you’re the owner of an insanely popular place, yes, you can franchise and all that, but still you have to build your reputation first and most of the people who work for you will be making minimum wage.
Instead of that dream, I have my food blog, with an occasional cooking demonstration or food event where I’ll make the food for a limited number of people. This is my hobby and it makes me happy.
So anyway, this is one of the cocktails I used to make for my friends, back when I dreamed of owning “Dreamboat Annie’s”. I can’t say it will never happen, but it’s more likely to become a cookbook of some sort at this point than a restaurant. People change and dreams change and life has definitely changed me. I truly love my life: my kids who are not kids anymore, my blog, my cooking, my friends, my family and my job … and all the crazy wonderful things I get to do with each. My life IS a dream.
Cheers my friends! I hope you enjoy this tropical cocktail. It was a favorite in my younger days, when I had so many lofty dreams. My advice to the younger you’s: just go where your heart tells you to follow (I’m talking job-career stuff here!) and be okay with things changing over time, because they will, and that’s okay.
Dirty Mai Tai Cocktail
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Total Time: 5 minutes
- Yield: 1 - 2 servings (or as many as you like) 1x
- Ice
- 1 shot dark black rum
- 1 shot amber rum
- 1/2 shot orange liqueur
- Juice of 1/2 of a lime
- Pineapple orange juice
- For garnish: Pineapple wedge or orange slice, fresh flower or fresh mint leaves
- Fill a tall glass most of the way with ice. Add the rum, then the liqueur, then the lime juice.
- Fill the glass with pineapple orange juice. Garnish with pineapple or an orange slice, fresh mint or edible flower. Add a straw, stir and sip!
© Copyright 2016, Sumptuous Spoonfuls. All images & content are copyright protected. I love it when you share, but please do not use my images on your own site/page without prior permission. If you want to publish any of my images, please ask first. Sharing, pinning, and tweeting is always appreciated as long as the shares and pins link back to here for the recipe. If you want to republish this recipe as your own, please re-write the recipe in your own words or link back to this post for the recipe.
This recipe was shared at Gluten Free Friday, Weekend Potluck, Sunday Fitness & Food, Home Matters, Pretty Pintastic Party and Hearth & Soul Bloghop.