I get food inspirations at the oddest moments. I was driving around town the other day when the idea of a grilled cheese egg in a hole popped into my mind. I thought “really I must try that this weekend” and filed it away in the back of my mind.
It’s Saturday morning and as soon as I woke up, I had that grilled cheese egg in a hole on my mind … the hard part was deciding which of the several yummy cheeses in my cheese drawer to use. I settled on Havarti because it melts so good and makes an oh-so-ooooey gooey wonderful grilled cheese. To offset the cheese, I added some spinach and for a little extra flavor, some sun dried tomato ranch.
Since it’s Valentine’s Day today, I used a heart-shaped cookie cutter to make the hole. Wouldn’t it be a perfect breakfast in bed for your sweetheart? I mean, if you had a sweetheart. Personally, I celebrated my single-ness by making myself a scrumptious Valentine “I love me” breakfast.
I didn’t wait quite long enough to crack in the egg … my yolk was soft and tasted great, but not quite runny like I wanted. Still, it was a scrumptious breakfast and it gave me the perfect excuse to make this again. I’ll probably mix it up next time and use a different cheese, a different sauce, maybe even a different bread.
I decided to use my Swiss Diamond square saute pan to make my sandwiches so I would have plenty of space for flipping over both the egg in a hole and the sidekick grilled cheese. (I have the 11 x 11-inch induction square saute pan.) It worked like a dream … every crack and cranny in the pan was the same even temperature, I had plenty of space for flipping and nothing stuck to the pan at all. A simple swish with hot soapy water, rinse and wipe at the end and my pan was clean and ready for its next adventure.
Spinach Havarti Grilled Cheese Egg in a Hole
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 15 minutes
- Total Time: 25 minutes
- Yield: as many as you like!
For each sandwich:
- Two thin slices of bread (I used my white whole wheat bread)
- Some light butter (trans-fat free)
- A few slices of Havarti cheese
- A bit of sun dried tomato ranch dressing (recipe here … or stir some finely chopped sun dried tomatoes into your favorite ranch)
- Fresh baby spinach leaves
- 1 large egg
- Stack the bread slices on top of each other and use a cookie cutter or biscuit cutter to cut a hole in the center of the bread. Save the bread from the hole to make a side-kick grilled cheese.
- Lightly butter the bottom half of the bread and one of the holes and set it butter side down in a medium/large frying pan. Spread the top of the bread in the pan lightly with sun dried tomato ranch dressing, then arrange bits of Havarti cheese around the bread to cover. I had to break my Havarti slices up to fit the bread. Do the same with one of the bread “holes”.
- Arrange baby spinach leaves on top of the cheese, then top with the other slice of bread. Lightly butter the top of the bread. Do the same with the side-kick grilled cheese.
- Cover the pan and heat over medium heat briefly, then reduce heat to medium low. Check the bottom of the bread by lifting gently with a spatula; when it’s starting to turn golden, crack the egg into the hole and sprinkle with Red Robin Seasoning (or salt) & freshly ground pepper. Cover and let cook, checking frequently, until the egg is set on the bottom, the cheese is melty and the bread is nicely browned on the bottom.
- Use a spatula to flip over the bread and the side-kick sandwich. Let cook for a few minutes more until the bread is browned on the other side.
- Remove the sandwiches from the pan with a spatula and slide onto a plate. Serve on baby spinach leaves if you like.
RECIPE SOURCE: http://www.sumptuousspoonfuls.com/
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This recipe was shared at Lenten Linkup Monday, Simple Supper Tuesday, The Weekend Social, Weekend Potluck and PureBlogLove.